About us
This Is Our Story
Lynnhaven Colony Congregational Church UCC (LCCC) is a 160 member church located 3 blocks from the southern shore of the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia Beach, VA. Founded as a community church in 1956, when Shore Drive was a 2-lane road, W. Great Neck Road was the only "Great Neck" Road, Long Creek Bridge was a 1-lane drawbridge and the first homes were being built in Cape Story by the Sea. LCCC has grown from a small cinder block building to become an active center of faith and community activities. LCCC is also the home to an outstanding, caring, state-licensed Child Development, Day Care Center. LCCC draws its members from many denominations and religious traditions and is an open and welcoming congregation.
We, the members of Lynnhaven Colony Congregational Church, join together as a community of service for the purposes of worship, spiritual growth, and interacting with others as loving human beings, using the example set by Jesus as our guide. Although we are many members, we are one community. As such, we are called to love one another, to do justice, to offer freedom from oppression and to walk humbly in our understanding of God. We are an open and affirming church, embracing diversity and affirming the dignity of worth of every person. We welcome into full membership and participation in this community of service persons of every race, language, age, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability, mental ability, socio-economic status, marital status, and faith background. We welcome all people as they are, without reservation, to share in the full life, leadership, ministry and fellowship, worship, sacraments, responsibilities, and blessings for participation in our congregation. The ideals we hold most dear are expressed in the two greatest commandments ascribed to Jesus: to love God with all your being and to love your neighbor as yourself. By formally joining this congregational church, we pledge our time, talents and resources to support these ideals and this covenant.
Our Denomination:
Our faith is 2,000 years old. Our thinking is not.
We believe in God's continuing testament. This is why we are committed to hearing God's ancient story anew and afresh in our lives and in the world today. We try to remain attentive to God's creative movement in the world. Religion and science are not mutually exclusive, and your head and heart are both welcomed into our places of worship. We prepare our members and leaders to be engaged in ministry in the present and future church, and we embrace all kinds of communities and new modes of thinking. Why? Because God is still speaking.
We believe in extravagant welcome. This is why we insist that God's communion table is open, not closed, and God's gift and claim in baptism are irrevocable. We advocate justice for all. Our congregations extend hospitality as a sign of God's inclusive love. We teach that evangelism — offering bread to those in search of it — is God's mission. Our perspective is global, not provincial. We work with — not against — people of other faiths. Why? Because God is still speaking.
We believe the church’s mission is to change lives — individually, systemically and globally. We work to make transformation possible, but trust in God’s grace. This is why we insist that churches must be places of vitality in worship, learning and advocacy. We are committed to working for justice, and we believe that lives are changed through global experiences and friendships. Why? Because God is still speaking. www.ucc.org
We are part of the Southern Conference.
Formed in 1965, The Southern Conference of the United Church of Christ, is comprised of the churches of Eastern Virginia, Eastern North Carolina, and Western North Carolina. It has been called the most diverse Conference in the United Church of Christ both racially (with congregations that are predominantly Black, White, Hispanic and Filipino) and theologically (liberal, conservative and in-between, with churches of Congregational, Christian, Evangelical & Reformed, Afro-Christian and other heritages). Its offices are in Burlington, North Carolina. The Rev. Edward Davis is Designated Conference Minister. www.soc-ucc.org
We are a WISE Congregation for Mental Health.
Welcoming, Inclusive, Supportive and Engaged (WISE)
We know we are graced by the gifts, stories, and experiences of all our members, including those living with mental health challenges such as, but not limited to, mental illnesses, brain disorders, addictions, and trauma. We know these challenges can profoundly disturb our feelings, thoughts, and behavior. We care about the whole person: body, heart, mind, and soul. We affirm the deep and constant movement of God’s Holy Spirit, seeking to bring us to the fullness of life. We believe that all people are beloved by God, and if a person has a mental health challenge, that person has a right to be seen as a person first. Jesus said the greatest commandment is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself.” He made no distinction between various members of society; he did not show any partiality. He included all people in this commandment.